Yes, Geometry Dash works on iOS 16.
If you are experiencing issues with Geometry Dash on iOS 16, don’t worry, you can still fix the problem and enjoy the game smoothly. Follow the steps below to tackle the issue and play GD smoothly.
First, close GD from your recent apps, and open it again. See, if it is working fine.
If it is still causing some problems, move to the next step which is “restart your iPhone.” After restarting your phone, open the GD again and try to play. Now, check if it is still causing any problems.
If still you are facing the problem, then move to the 3rd step. In this step, uninstall the game and try to install it again from the App Store. After installing it, see if it is working fine.
In theory, now, it should work fine. But, if you are still facing the problem, then uninstall it and install Geometry Dash Meltdown. Meltdown is just like the GD and it is free on Apple App Store.
Does geometry dash work on iOS 15?
Yes, the Geometry Dash is working fine on iOS 15 and over it. Also, GD can work fine on iOS 8.0 and higher.
Does geometry dash work on iPhone?
GD fans faced some challenges while playing it on the iPhone. But, it is now working fine. But, by chance, if you are still facing any problem with it, I have shared the method of overcoming this problem above.
Give it a try.
GD is a super challenging and color full game that anyone can enjoy playing anytime and it works totally fine with iPhones and iOS.
But, if you are facing any kind of problem with it, do not hesitate to try the above steps to handle the issues.
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